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The Benefits of Building with Shipping Containers

Shipping containers have become increasingly popular in recent years for homes and businesses. Here are some of the benefits of using shipping containers to build your home or business.

Cost-Effectiveness of Shipping Containers

Building a home with shipping containers is significantly cheaper than building your home out of more traditional construction materials. Many shipping container homes can be built for under $50,000, which can help people buy their first home, something that has become a common struggle in the last few years.

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Shipping Containers are Eco-Friendly

One of the most common reasons that people want to live in a shipping container is because it is eco-friendly. Containers do not require you to cut down trees for your home, and their construction is faster since you are customizing an already existing structure. Plus, you are recycling steel by using shipping containers for your home, which is putting the thousands of empty shipping containers in the country to good use.

The cement industry is one of the biggest producers of greenhouse gasses, so constructing your home from that can be detrimental to the environment as a whole. Bricks may be made from natural materials, but the way they are constructed generally makes these natural materials inert.

Easy Construction With Shipping Containers

Container One offers storage container customization options to let you design your container home before you buy it. You can move into your container when it arrives because it is all constructed before ContainerOne sends it to you. With the fast delivery we offer, your new home or business can be in your hands in no time.

A shipping container structure can be operational in a matter of weeks, whereas a brick and mortar building can take months.

You do not need an architect or a contractor to get your container set up, which saves you both time and money. Building in more remote locations can be challenging at times and using a container can help to ease that difficulty, because it is built off-site and then delivered. This is much easier than having to bring a full construction crew out to a remote area and build everything from the ground up.

Shipping Containers are Durable

With the rough conditions at sea, shipping containers are designed to stand up well against the elements. At sea these containers can be subjected to 50-foot waves and 100 mph winds, so they are built with the intent to survive these conditions. They are also stacked tightly together, meaning the containers have to be strong and sturdy.

This gives you a building that can handle some rough weather conditions, which is ideal in areas prone to bad weather events.

Flexibility of Storage Containers

Another big benefit for using a shipping container is that you can move it anywhere. If you need to suddenly relocate, you can move your entire home or business with you with ease. It is best to plan ahead with this, because depending on how you secure your container to its foundation, you may not be able to do this.

Customizable Shipping Container Options at Container One 

Container One offers countless customization options, and with our excellent financing options and fast delivery nationwide, the building you need can be in your hands and ready to go in no time. Visit today to view the possibilities; the only limit is your imagination!