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Shipping Containers Find Popularity as Worst-Case Scenario Bunkers

The onslaught of natural disasters — wildfires, tsunamis, earthquakes — coupled with escalated global political tensions, have surprisingly high numbers of Americans, and one can only assume other groups, preparing for Doomsday scenarios. Underground bunkers are considered to be the safest survival option in the case of most fathomed attacks or disasters, and preppers are finding that shipping containers fill the need quite well.

Using Shipping Containers as a Shelter

Recent surveys show that “an estimated 68 million ... Americans ... have purchased survival gear on the back of recent political events or natural circumstances beyond our control” (, and the air and water tight options available through shipping containers like those sold and modified by Container One are a natural choice when dryness and air quality are of utmost importance, as is the case with underground shelters.

Considerations need to be made regarding modifications, size, etc. when designing your shelter. Before you ever begin digging, lay out a design that will adequately account for people, indoor recreation, food and water storage, air filtration systems, and possibly systems to generate electricity. Sizing options vary, and units can be joined together with openings to allow one unit to flow into the next.

Strength and Durability of Shipping Containers

While our Cor-Ten steel is tough and weather resistant, research and thought should go into how best to shore up particularly the roof and floor of your shelter, as they’ll have to withstand significant weight and pressure from soil. Some survivalists opt to invert their shipping containers so that the thicker, reinforced roof serves as the floor when buried, in order to prevent warping from soil contraction and expansion over time. Additional supports over the roof, such as concrete, can lower the risk of caving from uneven soil distribution.

No one wants to rely on underground bunkers for survival, to be sure. But taking the guesswork out of choosing the best materials, and having the option for fully designed containers shipped straight to your construction site can alleviate some of the stress. You can be sure you’re getting quality materials to keep you and your family safe, even for the long term.

Buy a Shipping Container with Container One

Container One offers countless shipping container customization options, and with our excellent financing options and fast delivery nationwide, the building you need can be in your hands and ready to go in no time. Visit today to view the possibilities; the only limit is your imagination!

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